Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeMediaPodcastsThe Future of Banking Podcast

The Future of Banking Podcast

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It’s almost impossible to imagine a world without banks. They show up in practically every important activity in our lives, and yet a horizon where traditional banks become obsolete is starting to take shape. In this video Futurist Chris Crespo discusses three trends that will make the 2030 banking landscape, unrecognisable.

Chris Crespo
Chris Crespo
Chris is a Founding Partner and Chief Editor at Nordic Fintech Magazine, where he simplifies complex financial ideas into easy-to-understand content. With nearly 20 years of experience in management consulting and financial services, including leadership roles with some of Europe's largest banks, he offers profound industry insights. Previously serving as the Chief Futurist at the largest bank in the Nordics, Chris has sharp views on the Future of Financial Services, Money, Disruption, and Ethical AI in Finance. He is also a guest lecturer at Stanford University, Singularity University and Copenhagen Business School, where he frequently discusses the future of Money, Finance, and Entrepreneurship in Financial Services. As a Behavioral Economist, Chris is passionate about studying how human behavior and decision-making relate to risk. He also delves into the connections between psychology, leadership, and technology within financial services.

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