Much has been said, written and speculated recently about the Metaverse. But, most of the chatter has revolved around the consumer Metaverse.
Yet in the same way that Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 completely transformed the way people do business today, the Metaverse will become the next blue ocean market for businesses and corporations. In this interview with Mads Troelsgaard, CEO and Co-Founder of visionary frontrunner and Metaverse pioneer SynergyXR, we discuss the future of the Corporate Metaverse, and how being able to create Metaverse spaces with ease, will become as essential for business as it is to have a website, or an intranet today. Mads opens our eyes to a future where companies and their employees will be able to engage customers, socialise, collaborate, ideate and even develop new and still unknown business models, while concurrently and remotely engaging in immersive virtual worlds.