The metaverse is the new “man about town” and it seems that not a day goes by without an outpur of speculation, criticism, awe and anticipation of what the metaverse will will mean for society, culture, commerce and finance. The Nordic Fintech Magazine team took an immersive dive (quite literally) into the infant verision of the metaverse, available today to early adopters and the curios minded. We did it all, created avatars, dressed them in digital clothes, bought virtual land, acquired a couple of NFTs and joined some of the most popular play to earn platforms. After what seems like a month long trip into another dimension, we are able to give you a personal and informed account on what the metaverse is (and what it is not), what is going on in it, and most importantly how it will impact financial services as entire new economies, continue to sprout in this new brave virtual world.
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