The trend in Financial Services to decarbonize industries with a little nudge from capital flows has been thoroughly embraced by the financial system in the west. As investment funds and assets managers rushed to label their products as “Sustainable” in the hope to capture the attention of investors with a conscience, the ugly face of green washing started to show its true colours. The lack of standards and home grown measuring methods have caused all manner of confusion and ambiguity in the way companies and investors assess the impact of their portfolios.
In this revealing conversation with Kristian Rönn, CEO & Founder at Normative, we hear how the lack of accounting standards for measuring carbon emissions is thwarting the industry’s efforts to reward sustainable corporate behaviour in the hope of achieving net zero economies. Listen to how Kristian and his team are working towards establishing reliable accountable methods for tracking and reporting emissions and how they work with clients to help reduce carbon emissions along their value chains.