Our team recently travelled to Riga, the beautiful Capital city of Latvia where we had the pleasure of chatting with Lev Bass, one of the co-founders of Huntli.io, a Master Card Liighthouse company. Our conversation was fascinating and eye-opening, as we delved into the cutting-edge technologies that AML and transaction monitoring companies are using to detect and prevent criminal activity in the financial sector. We also discussed the challenges that come with increased levels of digitalization in the financial industry. As more money flows through digital channels, the risks and threats also increase, making it more important than ever to have robust compliance and risk management measures in place. If you’re interested in learning more about AML, Fincrime prevention and how getting this functions right is a catalyst for business growth, then be sure to check out the full interview. It’s a must-watch for anyone who wants to stay ahead of the curve in the rapidly evolving world of Financial Crime Prevention and AML.
Ep.87 Fighting new Financial Crime Threats – Lev Bass, CBDO at Huntli